I often picked fun at myself for "adulting fails" last year- because, let's face it, they were funny. Sometimes laughing at yourself is helpful. Looking back, I see that laughing at myself helped me own something that I would have otherwise been insecure about.
After a while, I stopped laughing and the insecurity surfaced.
I then realized that I am an adult and I want to know what I am doing.
So this year- as I began a new job and got a fresh start, I decided to start celebrating my "adulthood victories." I started making a list.
Then I lost the list.
(I'm still working on my "keeping track of stuff" victory)
Here are the victories that I can remember off the top of my head.
1. Understanding taxes
This year I owed a scary large amount after doing my taxes- which caught me by surprise because the year prior I got a very large tax return. It was a set back that took away most of my savings, but it did result in me understanding taxes pretty thoroughly.2. Investing in stock
I own 4 shares of stock! Shout out to Kelly for teaching me about it. I'm not sure how long I'll keep them or if I'll make money but honestly it just feels cool to own stock.3. Amending my tax return
Unlike many people my age- I've had to have my own health insurance from the time I moved to Florida. I don't know how to explain this whole situation in a few sentences so let's just say this: Lots of money down the drain, 2 day panic and paperwork, my roommate saw my true colors pretty early during our time together.4. Learning to cook gravy
Gravy is not the only thing I learned how to cook but it is the hardest thing I've learned how to cook and the most important thing to me. Gravy is the most important thing to me. I consider myself an above average cook now- which is a BIG step up from last year.5. Meal Prepping
I'm still not GREAT at this, but I've wasted WAY less food this year than last year. I check expiration dates and buy just what I need.6. Taking care of actual plants
This is mostly my roommate actually but I have helped and still want it to be on my list. I will say that one of the plants is my very own and it's been successfully growing for a month now.7. Understanding credit card/credit scores
I don't consider myself a super responsible spender- but I am proud to say I've never bought more on my credit card than I could actually afford.8. Budgeting
I made an amazing google spread sheet that I am very proud about and have an app that keeps track of my spending. I could do a better job following my budget but I am proud that I'm at least mindful of my expenses.9. Finding a counselor and doctor that I like.
This is a victory for SO many reasons.10. Casual dating
I didn't actually enjoy the casual dating experience- but it's something I've always wanted to do and I did it. Plus, it resulted in me learning a lot about myself.11. Driving in the city
Growing up we rarely drove in a city and when we did it was a tense, stressful situation for everyone in the vehicle. Every time I drive on the highway I can feel the same rush of excitement my younger self felt when we were in a city. "I've made it mom," I say.12. Cleaning
It's not that I didn't clean before- it's that I was awful at it. I didn't even know it was something you could be bad at! Now I'd say I'm pretty good at it.13. Friends my own age
It feels so good to relate to people again.
Most of these victories were born out of crisis. I'm trying to remember that when I encounter crisis.