Thursday, September 3, 2015

Waves and Opinions

"This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God." James 1:19-20

During the past 3 years I've alternated between hiding my opinion and loudly declaring it. From where I'm standing now, the latter seems to be favored but destructive. Sharing opinions is so obviously necessary-so how can it lead to so much pain?

This summer I experienced ocean waves for the first time--or at least ones that were big enough to surf on. I tried real surfing a few times, but when it was clear that I wasn't getting anywhere with it, I began body surfing instead. Turns out I enjoyed body surfing a lot better. Being completely overtaken by a huge wave was the most thrilling experience.

I always thought body surfing was just jumping into a wave, but it's actually not. You have to watch the forming wave, figure out where it's going to peak, and meet it at it's speed. If you catch it too early, you'll only plunge forward for a second. If you catch it too late, you might be slammed into the ground. If you catch it at the right time, you'll ride till the wave ends. Practically no skill is needed for this-our only job is to know when to jump in.

We don't control when the wave comes, how far out it forms, or how large it is. The ocean has all the control--we're just trying to align ourselves with it.

Sometimes, even beautiful words, if spoken at the wrong time, accomplish nothing. Watch and enjoy the ocean, pay attention to the waves, and when the time comes, don't miss your chance to surf.

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